Teacher at a desk smiling and working with three students.


Marburn Academy has been built on the belief that children are capable of learning and excelling when educators meet them where they are—academically, socially, and emotionally.

When we cultivate opportunities for our students to be successful, they thrive. Our program goals for all students are to develop their academic and cognitive skills, to build strong work habits, to teach resilience in overcoming challenges, to encourage calculated risks in problem-solving, and to strengthen each student’s self-image so he or she succeeds in schooling and in life.


As a co-ed, 1–12 program, Marburn provides a uniquely supportive academic environment for students who experience difficulty with traditional teaching methods. Struggling learners require targeted, multisensory instruction that has been scientifically validated. In this regard, we believe firmly in following where current research and evidence leads. We also believe in:

  • low student/teacher ratios to afford students high levels of quality interaction with teachers;

  • small, thoughtfully structured classes;

  • individualized goals;

  • using state-of-the-art diagnostic and standardized achievement testing to establish baseline performance levels, set goals, and document progress;

  • favoring remediation of skill deficits over accommodation;

  • indicating degree of improvement as well as level of understanding of key content on progress reports;

  • curriculum designed to empower students with self-awareness, self-knowledge, and positive self-acceptance; and

    an abundance of positive reinforcement.


Remediating skill deficits and offering individual strategies are key. However, Marburn’s program is also designed to provide our students with opportunities to discover talents, cultivate strengths, and earn respect for accomplishments. The arts, athletics, outdoor adventure education, and a wide array of co-curricular activities are important curriculum elements, and they are periodically integrated with the classroom programs.

Social/Emotional Growth

Many students struggling to cope with learning difficulties acquire problematic behavior patterns. For these students, learning to solve social and interpersonal problems and developing effective self-management skills are critical. Marburn believes in using a behavior management and discipline system that is educative rather than punitive. We emphasize the resolution of conflict through dialogue, truthful acceptance of responsibility, and willing acceptance of the consequences of one’s behavior.

In some cases, students transition to mainstream schooling after reaching grade level. However, many choose to stay at Marburn through graduation, for the challenging core curriculum, sense of community, and well-rounded education that offers tools to succeed in school and in life. In either case, our goal is the same. We help them acquire the skills, self-awareness, intellectual growth, and strength of character that build the foundation for future success.

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